Hey Guys,
I am about to wire up the radio, intercom, transponder and encoder. The
KY76A and AK350 diagrams seem to be pretty straight forward. However I am
uncertain concerning the intercom and radio. My combination consists of an
ICOM IC-A200 radio and a Sigtronics SPA-400-TSO. If anyone has this same
setup or can otherwise help me I would be grateful a plenty. The points in
question are these:
On the intercom diagram, (pointing to a generic radio symbol): 1. Mic Audio
2. Radio Mic Key
3. Headphone Audio
On the radio connector diagram:
Pin E to a 4 ohm speaker if desired.
Pin H to a single 500 ohm headphone jack.
/ 3.
Pin J to a N.C. part of a PTT then on to what may be the ring or mid point
of a mike jack.
(To Yoke mounted PTT)----/ 4 . Pin K to the
N.O. side of above.
\_______5. Pin 9
to the other set of N.C. contacts then to what may be the tip of that same
mike jack.
Three more pins on radio plug
shown going to an audio control panel. 6. Pin D to Aux audio
input 1
Pin C to Aux audio input 2
Pin 3 to Aux audio input 3
I hope this makes some sense to someone so I can get this wired up with no
Thanks in advance to all.
Troy Maynor
N120EU Monowheel Classic
Left to finish:
Paint,interior,engine install, wiring.