Hi trev
No problem getting some more headsets, but your friend will have to wait
until april as we are just leaving to return to U.K. today (in about a
hour). I can get my friend over here to order them and I will bring them
back with me next trip if thats ok?
I am fairly loaded down this trip with auto pilots, altitude holds,
manifold guages etc. for some of the other builders.
Give me a call about Wed or Thurs next week to let me know if he wants
them and I will see what I can do.
I seem to be suppying the Europa community with all kinds of avionics
these days. I think my next holiday should be to Taiwan so I can get into
the watch business :-)
Its all good fun.
> Hi Alan,
> Was down RD Aviation today dropping my aircraft in and I took my headsets
> with me to try them with the Intercom. Everything was fine and a friend
> of
> mine who was with me tried them and now wants a pair for his new Europa.
> Any
> chance?
> How was the States whilst you were there? I understand that Wilson
> changed
> all the locks on John's Hangar!!!
> kind regards
> Trev