Thank you for that. It puts me more at ease. The lecturer
claimed E10 to be destructive of aluminum alloy, unless treated specially
(which he says the car-makers have done for years, as some companies have
been sneaking ethanol in in small amounts for that time). Am not sure
whether the alu lines from Aircraft Spruce are such.......... The idea of
changing is an ordeal I don't relish. Any more heartenng info gleefully
PS Cool engines, increased aeration with height, detonation resistance and
icing qualities were mentioned.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Europa-List: Anguish over Ethanol
| (Repost)From the Chief Technical Officer at Kodiak at Oshkosk2004:
| There is not part of a rotax 900 series engine harmed by gasohol.
| Gasohol is to be avoided in lycs and contis because they still use cork
| gaskets which will dissolve. Aluminum is not effected by alcohol.
| Water in alcohol may freeze at altitude.
| Fuel hoses and o-rings in the Europa FirewallForward kit should
| be checked separately for alcohol effect and replaced if needed with
| airworthy replacements.
| Ira N224XS nearly 100hrs