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Europa-List: ZK-TIM

Subject: Europa-List: ZK-TIM
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:09:20

Fellow Europa eans,
For those interested I have now  finished the flight testing programme for 
my Europa 'Classic' Monowheel.
Fitted with a Rotax 912S and Airmaster propeller here are the final 
results.As compared with the advertised
performance data they were as good and in some cases better.
Tests were done with different C of Gs and Weights.

Airspeed Calibration; Max. Position Error was 0.4% for the Pitot/Static 
positioned out on the wing.(Mod?)
                                 Alternate source within the cabin was 

Stall Testing with Stall Strips attached;  Clean..................buffet 
46kts stall 41kts

42kts stall 37kts

Glide Performance; Flaps/Gear Up - Idle Power.......... Best lift/drag ratio 
= 65kts
                              Flaps/Gear  Down - Idle Power.......... Best 
lift/drag ratio = 53kts

Climb Test Performance;
(Due to  'classic cowls' and 912S Rotax extra heat,I repositioned the Oil 
Cooler to under the Propeller spinner without any change to the design lines 
of the cowling)

Best climb/cruise speed to 10000ft was 85kts.  65kts took me to 4500ft 
before oil temp max.
took me to 6500ft before oil temp max.
took me to 7500ft before oil temp max.
took me to 10000ft and beyond as the oil temp began to cool then.
was a ISA + 5 day)
Best Angle of Climb = 60kts (as advertised)
Best Rate of Climb = 75kts   (as advertised)

All control forces in the three axis of rotation were well within limits and 
the aircraft is inherently stable.

Flutter Tests resulted in no vibrations or flutter. ( even at Vne +10% 

It was a delight to test fly. Confidence in the aircraft grew every day 
after a hiccup at the beginning (U/C retract after landing-another story)
I am very pleased with the results. Very docile in the stall, responsive 
controls and inherently stable.


Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8005
New Zealand.
Ph +64 3 3515166
Mobile 021 0640221 

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