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Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 12 Msgs - 03/09/05

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 12 Msgs - 03/09/05
From: simon miles <>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 22:28:36


I am aware of this campaign but I still can't get my head around the idea 
that anyone who can afford to fly aeroplanes would *ever* let the cost of a 
landing (and it's associated costs) let them "press-on".

Don't you agree that the availability of 'free-landings' is, perhaps, in 
itself an invitation to "press-on". I'm assuming VFR flight here. Imagine, 
you're flying home and due to circumstances beyond your control, a diversion 
is inevitable. Beneath you is a perfectly servicable airfield in acceptable 
weather but in a slightly remote location. To get home from there would 
involve an expensive and long taxi ride or a stay in a nearby bed & 
breakfast and in the hope you could continue the next day. If you can 
"press-on" into the murk (only until it becomes unacceptable, of course) to 
the 'free' airport which is nearer home and well served with buses, trains 
(or where your other half could conveniently drive to), which would you 

Alternatively, look at this way - you are driving home after the Christmas 
holiday but exceptional snow conditions (i.e. loads of it!) means you can't 
continue. When you present yourself at the nearest hotel (in preference to 
freezing to death in your car) do you claim a free room because it's not 
your fault you ended up there?

Simon Miles.
Europa Tri-gear #508,
Nearly finished and moved today to an airport (EBGR) at last...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Simon Smith" <>
Europa-List Digest: 12 Msgs - 03/09/05

> Some people might not realise that there has been a long standing campaign
> on behalf of AOPA UK by Charles Strasser to get all airfields in the UK to
> accept CAA CAP 667 9.2(c) recommendation and not to charge GA aircrafts
> making emergency or precautionary landings.
> The full CAA CAP 667 9.2(c) recommendation states:- "There were a number 
> of
> fatal accidents where a timely diversion or precautionary landing could 
> have
> avoided an accident. In the UK there is a 'culture' of pressing on and
> hoping for the best rather accepting the inconvenience and cost of a
> diversion. This 'culture' needs to be changed, firstly by educating pilots
> and secondly by persuading Aerodrome owners that there should be no charge
> for emergency landings or diversions. It is recommended that all Aerodrome
> owners be persuaded to adopt a policy that there should be no charges for
> emergency landings or diversions by general aviation aircraft."
> 190 airfields ARE in the scheme. 17 are not (and LHR LGW & LCY were not
> asked for obvious reasons).
> The full list of airfields is at
> Cheers
> Simon

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