This is the reply i had from XCOM earlier this week on this issue.
We are still working at it... with approvals for Finland now done
acceptance should be automatic, will keep you posted.
Thanks Michael
ivor.phillips wrote:
> What progress have you had with certifying the Xcom 760 with the CAA
> for use in United Kingdom Airspace ?
> regards
> Ivor Phillips
With regards, Michael Coates
XCOM Avionics
Web Site:
From: "Paul Stewart" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Radio question
> Following a few threads over the past year or so with regard to the XCOM
> 760 radio I thought the views of the CAA might be of interest:
> Dear Mr Stewart
> Unfortunately, the XCOM 760 is not approved for use in Europe either under
> the CAA or EASA, it is only approved in the USA and Australia.
> It is not possible at this time to approve the equipment through EASA as
> no
> agreement between the authorities, or higher (i.e.. government) exists.
> If you require further information or assistance, then please do not
> hesitate to contact me.
> Yours sincerely
> Mrs Helen Brown
> Administrator
> Aircraft Systems & Equipment Department
> Civil Aviation Authority
> Safety Regulation Group
> Aviation House
> Gatwick Airport South
> West Sussex
> RH6 0YR