Hi Jezza,
It's all in the prep (or, as you would write, it=92&*
$%s all in the prep)
First, cut the tips off the thimbles (makes then sit closer together) - see
Ron Wanttaja's Kitplane Construction, the second bible after the builders'
Second, wrap the section to be cut with tape - masking is fine, duct is ok
but don't go more than 1.5 times round (makes it too thick).
Finally (small fanfare) use a sharp chisel (cold or wood, if you're happy
to notch the edge) & smack smartly using the stock of your vice as an anvil
(you do have a vice, don't you??)
If you only use a small amount of thin tape, you may even be lucky enough
to get it through the collar still wrapped (about 50% of mine have).
BTW, how did you get to hear about the impending TP18 mod before you'd put
the cables on? Or were you just dithering when the news broke?
XS Mono 383
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>-- Original Message --
>From: "Jeremy Davey" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Europa-List: Swaging those cables
>Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 01:12:18 +0100
>Possibly an apposite question given the current debate on Mod 70=85
>I=92m doing the rudder cables on =91ZA. I=92ve not done the TP18 cables
>was aware they would likely not be required =96 so this is my first attempt
>fitting the collars and thimbles.
>How on earth do you get the cable through those collars? There has to be
>trick=92 that I don=92t know!! It=92s proving a nightmare of frayed cable
>ends and
>rolls of insulating tape.
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