Try the rearward face. It confused me, hence a bit of filling required to
repair a cut in the rong place.
BTW if you haven't got there yet, you may find it easier to assemble the
exhaust system before fitting any of it to the engine. That way you can
use the down pipes as levers to stretch the springs. I wasted a lot of
time seeing how far the springs would go each time they slipped from my
grasp. The record so far is.....
Also check that all four pipe sockets have anti-seize compond in them
before you assemble them. 2 of mine had been missed.
From: "Mike Gamble" <mp.gamble@virgin.net>
Subject: Europa-List: xs cooling gills
Do I open up the rearward or front facing sections of the cooling gills on
top cowling?
Manual says open up the 'flat' surface.
It does not take much to confuse me and both surfaces are curved!
Mike Gamble
XS 440
Just received the FWF kit.