Into the panel at the moment, trying to figure out what is needed to make on
order Airmaster AC200 Manual switch inputs happy.
I got an answer from Martin that they use a DPDT rated at 5 amps. Waiting for
answer on my more pointed question.
Since I want to use a SPDT Mom-Off-Mom rated 1 amp on Ray Allen Grip, I will
need to plumb in 2 relays.
My question:
Does in fact the manual switch direct control the pitch motor, where you would
want to short the 2 leads going to the motor when in the off position to
incorporate braking? In other words just like what the pitch trim switch does
supplied by Europa (Ray Allen) where they actual use 2 SPDT switches where COMM
is output to motor and they tie ground to NC and tie positive to NO ? Push on 1
switch and you go 1 direction, push on the other, go in other direction, let go
of both, and short 2 motor leads and get braking.
Or does the manual switch just control electronics in the AC200, and a DPDT
output should be fine.
Ron Parigoris