--> Europa-List message posted by: "Fred Fillinger" <n3eu@comcast.net>
> It's me, the electronically challenged, again. I received the
> capicator, today. It's the snap in type, with two pins sticking out
> one end. One pin is silver, the other has a black dot on it. There
> also a grey stripe down the side, oriented to the black spotted pin.
> Can someone tell me which pin is the positive? Thanks again...
> Jeff - A055
It's common on PC-mounted caps to mark only the negative in some way,
so black with a stripe sounds good for that. See if mfr has a web
site with its data sheet. Failing that -- got muiltimeter? Take a
little 9V battery and hook it up that way and see if it rises to at
least 8-something volts in a few seconds. If reversed, volts may not
rise beyond a few, if at all, but not enough available energy to blow
it up. Don't try it reversed as a double-check, if first test above
is OK. May not damage the cap for a just a few seconds, or may....
Do not archive
Fred F.