--> Europa-List message posted by: "g-self" <g-self@btconnect.com>
Hi Everyone
After 9 years and 1 day since the first entry in our build
book (possibly the slowest build on record) our Europa
G-SELF finally took to the sky at Lydd Airport early
yesterday afternoon 18/05/2005 in the very capable hands of
Steve Lamb (G-EMIN).
It is powered by the Jabiru 3300 with a Jabiru 48" pitch 62"
prop. This prop is probably a bit fine so it is likely to be
swapped for a courser pitch prop at a later date. It lept
off the ground and appeared to climb at a vast rate.
As you may know we had struggled with engine cooling ( as
have many others with this engine) and only a total redesign
of the cooling duct system has pretty much fixed the
problem. We now have plenums as is typical for aero engines
rather than ram air ducts. We are pretty happy with the
results with just a small improvement needed on CYL2.
Hopefully a small deflector will bring it in line with the
others. It was pushing the redline on climb out.
Steve figured that he would take off with the intention of
performing just a circuit unless he was confident with the
head temps on the downwind. Once downwind he was happy that
everything was as it should be and took her up to about
3000' to do some stall tests.
He appeared very happy with the performance of the aircraft
and so having done some upper air work, performed 2 touch
and go's before landing.
After landing and checking all the connectors under the
cowling, he flew it back to Rochester where it is based.
We will keep you updated of all the performance figures as
we carry out the complete test schedule.
So I would like to thank, in no particular order, our
inspector Don Foreman and the PFA, Europa Aircraft staff,
Jabiru Australia and ST aviation, Steve Lamb our test pilot
along with my build partners Nick Crisp and Bill Lams and
everyone of you who helped and gave support either in person
or online on this forum.
And you know, it IS all worth it!
Eddie Hatcher
G-SELF Europa Classic with XS mods
Powered by Jabiru 3300
South East London Flying Group
G-SELF, South East London Flying Group
Eddie Hatcher, Nick Crisp, Bill Lams
Europa Classic (XS) Jabiru3300 Powered
Our website www.crispsite.flyer.co.uk