--> Europa-List message posted by: "R.C.Harrison" <ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk>
Hi! Alexander.
You make a good point however I'd suggest common sense should prevail
and test the arm for side load feel as you tighten. However should any
wear occur it will always be caused by compression of the arm and wear
will ensue towards the "more metal scenario" rather than making the bolt
hole surround less and closer to the "fresh air" end of perspective!
There was no signs of wear as to how my turnbuckles were tightened
originally. As an aside when my original arm was removed the only sign
of distress was that the main tube drive end was crushed out of round
due to it having been tightened with the stiff nut blind so who knows
when to stop in that respect? I have made provision to include a solid
core in the drive end of the new rod so when tightening it can't be
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa MKI/Jabiru 3300
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Alexander
Subject: Europa-List: Mod 70 and turnbuckles
--> Europa-List message posted by: "Alexander Kaarsberg"
For all those turnbuckle fans out there, has anybody ever thought about
how much tension you can put on those wires just by turning the
turnbuckle with one hand?
There is no way of seeing how much tension is on it, other than playing
guitar with the cables and I am kind of surprised there hasn't been more
said on this from the factory...at least you can't overtension them when
pulled by hand??
Alex, kit 529- apparently dormant while waiting for engine to