Are you suggesting Bob may have an issue with the "shhh" I will remember
that the next time I need to wind him up :-)
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bryan
Subject: Re: Europa-List: The price of Bacon Butties
--> <>
Bugger! I thought I 'd got a bargain.
PS Please dont mention EU fees on this site. It will precipitate
four pager from Bob H.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: The price of Bacon Butties
> | Sorry Fergus! The exchange rate may not be good, but my bacon butty
> | and coffee cost less than two pounds on Wednesday.
> |
> | Cheers, Dother Bryan.
> Bryan,
> The only way I can think that you paid but two quid is if
> you walked to it mon ami. If however you flew, there's gas, oil,
> insurance, PFA fees, wear and tear and perhaps EU fees yet to be
> levied. Don't forget the magazine with the landing fee pass. That's
> how the hundred dollar hamburger
> began..............
> Cheers, Ferg
> If I took another coffee, I'd have to add the medical fees (parking,
> oil, w&t, etc)
> then there's that great favourite, the income tax you gave the
> for the amount you spent....... it's all gone.