Go Jeremy answer that one. This I must see :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Garry
Subject: Re: Europa-List: PFA, Wilson, PFA Engineering, etc.....
Jeremy, for those of us who speak "American" English, what exactly is a
"wanker", and a "tosser". If addressed as such I need to know whether I
should be insulted, or flattered.
Garry Stout
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Davey" <EuropaFlyer_3@msn.com>
Subject: Europa-List: PFA, Wilson, PFA Engineering, etc.....
> --> <EuropaFlyer_3@msn.com>
> Folks,
> I admit I=92m starting to get a bit pissed off here in Oxfordshire=85
> There seem
> to be no end to the postings saying the PFA are a wunch of bankers,
> Engineering are particular tossers, and I=92m a toe-rag (or worse),
> for
> being a part of that organisation.
> Can I just make a few points clear?
> 1) Well done to all those who actually got their finger out and
> sent
> one of the emails that got Graham Newby to change his mind. That is
> the right way to achieve results.
> 2) It seems to me that the PFA is now FULLY aware of the depth
> our
> feelings about Wilson and the use of SFB images, the organisation HAS
> listened. Further, it is my honest belief that until a flood of emails
> landed in Graham Newby=92s Inbox, he was just regarding it as one or
> two whingers. Before anyone takes offence at that, please bear in mind
> that he (and I!) are bombarded with emails, a significant proportion
> of which are from whingers and go along the lines of: =93I bought a
> model F of my chosen engine
> when model H is the approved one, because it cost me
> instead of fourteen grand, and PFA Engineering are tossers for not
> me just bolt it on and go flying=94. It is probably worth noting that
> costs
> the PFA a four-figure sum to undertake the work necessary to approve
> model F version =96 in order to save the one member 14000 =96 0/3/6
> pounds.
> 3) The issue of the use of SFB is an issue that has been going
> some
> time with the PFA. The Club has raised it, I=92ve raised it (and have
> lobbied continually =96 and politely - by Sean O=92Reilly about it),
> finally
> the strength of feeling has become known.
> 4) Engineering was in one hell of a mess operationally from
about 2
> years ago until recently. It is still dragging itself out of there and
> significant pressure and appropriate support is being given to the
> management to get it out of that mess as soon as possible. I=92m
> my
> bollocks off to resolve the problems and provide the sort of service
> I
> think the PFA members deserve. Let me also make it quite clear that I
> made it absolutely clear to Engineering that I expect no favours for
> on the EC, and am therefore subject to just the same frustrations as
> everyone else. I would not normally post this information publicly,
but in
> view of the attack on me by one contributor to this list yesterday, I
> think
> it=92s important to do so now.
> 5) The PFA is not yet perfect, but it is all we=92ve got in the
> There
> is a huge amount going on at European level and UK government level
> needs resolving NOW. The only viable way of ensuring that our voice is
> heard
> during this process is to ensure that the PFA is in a position to
> effectively on our behalf. Again, I=92m taking a leading part in that
> the
> forming of the Campaigning Aviators Network to coordinate volunteers
> lobbying the various bodies. It is noted that the individual mentioned
> above
> has not volunteered to join CAN.
> 6) I have got much better things to do. I get married four
> tomorrow. I=92m moving house. I=92ve a plane to build. I=92ve a
> job. The
> sort of attacks I=92ve seen on this list leave me wondering if I=92m
> wasting my time. I used to enjoy playing with steam engines, but that
> ended up somewhat on a back-burner (no pun intended), largely due to
> commitments like the PFA and the Club. I=92m seriously considering
> my
> shovel out and polishing it ready for action again=85
> 7) Finally, and probably the most important point for
> wanting to get =91jobs=92 through Engineering =96 there is a system:
> use it!
> There is no such thing as a =91variant option=92 with a mod. The
> is to
> apply for a mod, on the correct forms, and in the correct manner. I
> one
> do not believe it is arrogant for Engineering to ask a member to
> the
> process. It isn=92t hard for heaven=92s sake! On this subject, I and a
> number of
> other EC members have been putting in a lot of work exploring, among
> items, how we can reduce the cost to members. One answer that came out
> clearly was to change the system so that those who do a decent job of
> their
> mods get them through sooner and more cheaply. That we are now working
> towards.
> If, after reading this, anyone still thinks I=92m a tosser, please
> advise
> me
> directly! I=92ll be listening, and will expect a strong justification.
> Regards,
> Jeremy
> Jeremy Davey
> Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
> Europa Club Vice-Chairman, Webmaster, PFA NC Representative PFA EC
> Member =93If you can keep your head when all about you are losing
> theirs, then it is
> possible you haven't grasped the severity of the situation.=94
> Tail done
> Standard XS wings with mods underway
> CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
> 1400 build hours to date
> Intended fit:
> Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
> Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms