**This message sent as a bcc to Europa Club Members and to the Matronics
Europa Email list - You may wish to forward the information to any
'non-internet-enabled' Europans you know**
Andy from Europa Aircraft 2004 has requested that the Club pass on the
following information. Following representations from several individuals,
and based on a design by Roger Cullum and Bob Harrison, EA2004 have agreed
to the provision of a 'Spacer with butterfly wings welded on' (best
description I can come up with) for those Europa owners who require to
retain their cables. The holes in the 'wings' are at a similar length as the
present cable setup and the fitting sits behind the weights.
This will be an extra chargeable part in addition to Mod70, available on
request only. The cost and availability have not yet been finalised, but I
would hope that parts would be available within two to three weeks.
However, Andy advises that you check the Factory website:
http://www.europa-aircraft.biz <http://www.europa-aircraft.biz/>
where details will be made available when known.
To sum up - if you wish to retain your present TP18 cables and turnbuckles
when fitting Mod70, you will need to order this 'Cable retainer fitting for
Mod70' as an extra item.
And whilst I have the opportunity.. The Club AGM, at Kemble (UK) during
the PFA Flying for Fun rally, on Saturday 2 July, around 1730 as usual,
will I hope be very well attended. I look forward to some useful and
practical proposals from Members to help take the Club forward.
All the best to you,
Dave Bosomworth
Europa Club Chairman