Yesterday at 09.30 am Peter Kember made the first flight on his second Europa
followed by 2 more flights.
This aircraft is a hi-top Tri-gear XS/NG kit no. 1000 (for those unaware, the NG
was to be supplied completely molded, although in the end Pete had to use foam
cored flaps/ailerons/rudder).
The aircraft has a Rotax 912S with Airmaster prop and Grand Rapids EFIS and EIS
and came in at 872 lbs.
As most of you will know Pete had the first customer completed Europa to fly
G-OPJK which he sold ready to start the build of this new aircraft which
he started at the end of March last year.
Dave Watts
P.S. He got his permit to test from the PFA by return of post from submission of
final inspection paperwork. Well done the PFA, let's hope you can keep it up.