Ted & Justin,all,
Congratulations on hanging in there to completion. Now is the time for you
to sit back, in the cockpit of course, and enjoy the fruits of your long
This brings a question to mind. I know one of the shortest builds was 18
months from a pair of gentlemen just south of me (Terry & Dave) and now we know
what has been the longest, 11 years for you. But I wonder if anyone has an
average time to build? Not only in calendar time but build log. I've been at it
alone for 967 hours over 2 1/2 years. And just got the top on.
Now actually it was my wife that posed the question but I was just wondering.
Mike Duane A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
Top On! Now going forward by working in the aft portion of the fuselage.
I am so glad I built that shelf behind the BB bulkhead.
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