Hi Jacques;
May I suggest you search the archives? This subject
has been covered many, many times. The link is
Best of luck to you... I spent many hours sanding
Paul Boulet, N914PB
XS Monowheel researching conversion to tri gear
--- Jacques Point <jacques.point@total.com> wrote:
> <jacques.point@total.com>
> Hi everybody!
> I am about to start the last operation on Mono 148:
> filling, sanding, painting.
> It seems that the system proposed by Europa (for
> filling) is hard to sand. Poly-Fiber seems more easy
> to handle. I would like to have feed-back from you,
> so to have a better idea to make my choice.
> Thanks in advance
> Jacques
> Mono # 148 with subaru EJ22 & PSRU.
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