Following forwarded from Dave Bosomworth:
>Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 14:25:02 -0400
>To: (Rowland Carson),
>Subject: Re: Europa-List: TAS Calculations
>Hello Paul, Rowland,
> Sorry, I'm off the email list due to holidays and courses - got to
>manage the email somehow! Rowland, thanks for forwarding Paul's
> Paul, The spreadsheet maybe doesn't make it clear, but the temp
>needs to be in Celsius. At first glance I suspect that +16 is
>Farenheit? If so, then changing it to approx -8C (v. rough
>calculation!) gives:
>TAS 170Kt
>DA 9670ft
>Which would fit in with your figures.
> What I would really like to know is what your indicated airspeed
>was showing.
> Please let me know if this fixes the problem.
>Many thanks,
Apologies - although it doesn't affect the spreadsheet I first quoted
(which doesn't attempt to relate TAS & IAS) in my previous posting, I
completely forgot that the former colonies are still using the old
imperial units of temperature - I guess the sun has not yet set on
the british empire ....
| Wilma & Rowland Carson <>
| <> ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...