Rotax 914
We are about to replace our 50/50 coolant with Evans NPG+.
I would love to know if we need to replace the cap up top.
Also, our EIS has a wire pair for coolant temps, I have the ring and the
temp sensor, so we are hooking it up
this weekend. Anybody else think this is important data to have from
the engine?
Cylinder head temps are always good, but our oil temps are still higher
then I like.
Eample: OAT 97F, 900ft Climb, Oil Temp hits 266F in just a few minutes.
Of course as soon
as I level out the temps begin to fall. We even lowered the Oil cooler
(mod) to help with air flow, as well as
we added a new air channel to direct more fresh air to the oil cooler.
It helped ALOT!
Matt Carpenter
Amarillo, Texas
Ronald J. Parigoris wrote:
>After reading on Evans site, I gave them a call about the radiator cap. I have
a 1.2 bar
>cap, and Evans said to not use it, the max. upper limit, use the .9 bar cap.
>I never read this in any Rotax instructions, Lockwood is looking into.
>Anyone out there flying with a 1.2 bar cap?
>Ron Parigoris
>BTW got to the bottom of the makeup of their coolant:
>NPG is all Propylene Glycol, and can be used on race tracks that ban ethylene
>NPG+ is a blend of Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol with some proprietary
>can of NPG+ says on the label that it is Ethylene Glycol based
>Rotax says in an emergency you can add Propylene Glycol but need to change it
in 15 days.
>Evans said in an emergency, you can if there is at least 50% remaining NPG+
>propylene Glycol (hard to find) or Ethylene Glycol. Best to drain/flush with
fluid as
>soon as you can and refill with NPG+.
>Evans said if there is more than 50% gone, then drain it all out and fill with
a 50/50 mix.
>I would follow rotax max. temperatures that will be less than with Evans, watch
what cap
>you have as the .9 will allow less heat compared to the 1.2. When you get home,
drain and
>fill with water and run engine. Drain water and fill with prep fluid, Prep
is heavier
>than water/antifreeze so you can get rid of undesirable water/antifreeze from
high point
>before you drain it.
>I talked with rotax service center, and will follow fill and drain new motor
>fluid to be certain.