I still need the MOD 70. I will send you my address directly to you.
John Eckel, A230
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Borger" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Any one need Mod 70?
> Europaphiles,
> Europa made a small error and shipped me two Mod 70's. Being the
> great folks they are, they are not going to charge me for the 2nd Mod
> 70. Still, I have an extra Mod 70 I do not need. There's no way I'm
> going to replace that mass balance arm again just because I have the
> parts to do so.
> If anyone out there, preferably in North America, requires a Mod 70
> without the TP18F Positioning Lugs Assembly or "butterfly" with which
> to attach your restraining cables. Please send me your mailing address
> and I'll be happy to ship this off to you. All I ask is that you
> reimburse the shipping cost. This offer is being made first come -
> first served.
> BTW, if you wish to use your restraining cables and require the TP18F
> Positioning Lugs Assembly or "butterfly," it is available from E2004 at
> a price of 15 Pounds Sterling. No, it is not gold plated.
> Good building and great flying,
> Bob Borger
> Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.
> (85%) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module installed, pitch
> system in, landing gear frame in, rudder system in, outrigger mod in,
> Fuselage Top on, Doors and Latches fitted, lift/drag/flap pins in.
> Working in - 24 Instrument Panel, 25 Electrical, 29 Main Gear, 30 Fuel
> System, 32 Tail. Mod 70 arrived 2005/07/05. Airmaster on order. Seat
> cushions arrived from Oregon Aero.
> 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
> Corinth, TX 76208
> Home: 940-497-2123
> Cel: 817-992-1117