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Europa-List: First flight N214KS

Subject: Europa-List: First flight N214KS
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:06:59

N214KS is a XS trigear with an intercooled Rotax 914, Rospeller C/S prop, 
907 lbs. It started out at Flightcrafters under Russell Lepres care. Four
years later it was first flown by me (Ken Hill) on July 20, 2005. 

The initial flight was relatively uneventful. The small aileron trim tab was 
than adequate for all speeds above 80 Kts.and it did not appear to need any
rudder trim device (it flies straight). I did have a minor radio noise problem
and the prop controller seems to like the fine pitch stop a little too much.
I noted a worst case CHT of 235F, oil temp of 245F, and Evens coolant temp. of

My initial impression of the Dynon D10 was amazing. It was within 1 Kt. of the
Winter A/S indicator and was dead on as an attitude indicator and all other 

Many people have really come to my aid in building the A/C. On this forum it is
appropriate to mention a few:
FlightcraftersThank you Russell! I spent 2 weeks under Russells guidance in 2001
and many hours on the phone with him over the last 4 years. Russell is a wealth
of knowledge, pegs out the integrity meter and loves helping people with their
projects. His partner Bob Berube (the most experienced Europa builder I know)
did a great job on the cockpit module and assisted me many times. Lastly,
Jim Blackmer wired the dashboard which looks great from both front and back..
Terry Seaver and Dave DefordI look to them as pioneers who have passed their 
and successes to me. They are great engineers who have given unselfishly
to many builders.
The forum  Thanks to those who have shared their advice and questions. The 
of knowledge will make our flying safer and more rewarding.

Happy flying,

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