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RE: Europa-List: engines

Subject: RE: Europa-List: engines
From: Alexander Kaarsberg <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 10:50:01


One factor worth remembering is that water is, if I remember right, the one 
that has the highest capacity to take up heat energy and that first of
all that, together with the fact that it has a low viscosity makes it a perfect
coolant, second that it explains why a water cooled engine on average takes
longer to reach operating temps.
There is more mass to heat up and if the thermostat also leaves water cycling to
the radiator, you'll never get warm. The beetle's way of channelling the 
air through the structure of the car is sure to loose a lot of calories
Without knowing the Jabiru myself I do believe that just like Lycossaurae it 
be perfectly possible to cool it just right with the right amount of attention
to detail, to achieve the highest possible efficiency attainable for the
particular engine design/aircraft combination.
That bring me to what I am curious about, numbers and numbers.
What are the data such as fuel use, performance figures and cost/time of 
prop combinations for the current installations, Europa or otherwise?

kit 529

> Rob - maybe you've been unlucky, but my own experience of heaters in 
> air-cooled cars has been only positive. My Citroen GS and GSA both 
> had outstanding heater performance, and gave out hot air within a few 
> hundred yards of a cold (down to 0C) start. It was often as quick to 
> melt windscreen ice with the heater than to scrape it off. Perhaps 
> the higher temperatures attained by the exhaust pipes compensates for 
> the lower efficiency of transfer, or maybe you're talking about much 
> lower ambient temperatures than we experience in UK.
> regards
> Rowland
> -- 

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