I have recently bought a share in G-ROOV.
Time considerations stopped me building but of course I pay for this
in lacking knowledge of this great aeroplane.
so a few questions to which answers would be very gratefully received.
1 we have a 914 engine. This uses two electrical pumps in
parallel. this to me does not seem the happiest arrangement and I am
not clear on issues such as routine maintenance and replacement (one
or both will fail one day), use of the pumps (leave them both on,
activate both for landings and T/O only?). Is this installation
optimised for safety or have we moved on?
2 on the subject of fuel, we have a capacitance gauge fitted.
Shall we say, I trust it less than I would a gauge in a Piper and
that is really saying something. So at the moment I fill the aircraft
full and count down the time with a huge safety margin. I still hate
to see a gauge reading 25% full when I know it is actually topped up.
How to get this gauge working or are we better off using a sight glass?
3 Now on the subject of instruments: there is a problem with the
altimeter (intermittent) in that it oscillates through about 200
feet. OK, not the end of the world but irritating. this smacks of a
damping issue, any ideas?
4 still on instruments, the AI is temperamental. Most of the time
it is fine but occasionally indicates climb in S&L flight and
sometimes bank in S&L. Well, do I just open up and take a look? I
know these things are pretty sensitive and my first thought is that
this is specialist bench work. we have a similar issue when setting
the DI through North (only) ...should I 'dive in' or get a specialist
involved immediately?
5 Finally a flyng issue. I realise the aircraft is very sensitive
in pitch. however, I find that trimming never quite takes all the
pressure off the stick. Consequently I sometimes try adjusting power
a little just get to the trim perfect. Otherwise I am either just too
nose down or just too nose up. It is a small point and I can live
with it but just wondered if experienced Europa pilots had any comments.
6 Finally finally, having not built the plane i would like to know if
there are any courses or reading material to help people new to PFA
and Europa flying in particular. It is knowledge of the mechanical
and electrical aspects I really need.
thanks in anticipation
Kevin Siggery