I=92m just starting to (finally) fit the Al tubing for my fuel system, and
would appreciate some advice on techniques.
1) Flaring the tubing =96 how much should the tubing be proud of the
flaring tool before I start?
2) Flaring again =96 the flaring tool has circumferential rings that hold
the tubing, but also mark it badly. I thought that marks on Al tubing are
bad. Any tips here?
3) NPT fittings =96 the problem I have here is with the angle fittings.
What do I do if the fitting goes tight just after the point where it is
pointing the way I need? Is it OK to crank these fittings almost another
entire turn?
4) Any other tips?
Any help that folks who=92ve been there, done that, can offer would be much
Jeremy Davey
Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
Europa Club Vice-Chairman, Webmaster, PFA NC Representative
PFA EC Member
=93If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then it is
possible you haven't grasped the severity of the situation.=94
Tail done
Standard XS wings with mods underway
CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
1400 build hours to date
Intended fit:
Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms