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Re: Europa-List: First engine start.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: First engine start.
From: Cliff Shaw <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:33:16


Good luck, things will go well I am sure.

Suggest you go ahead and pop off the carb bowls and dump out that old fuel, it
is an easy job to do.

The only thing I had a problem with is a water hose cam off and steam blanketed
every thing. I should have checked the clamp a little closer.

Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425 776 5555

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Steve Hagar
  To: europa-list ; Craig Ham ; rob phoenix composites
  Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:22 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: First engine start.

  The old? (new!) engine has been sitting on the airplane for over a year and a
half now and I'm running out of things to do on the rest of the airplane. So
the decision has been made to tie the tailwheel to the car and fire it up in the
driveway this Saturday.  The  engine has been hand  proppped through about
every 2 months to keep the oil pumped  where it needs to be. Oil pressure rises
very fast with just hand propping.  Noting that oil only returns to the tank
if the  sparkplugs are in as blowby pressurizes the sump. I need to know of any
issues to watch out for.  I am aware of the need to undo the  turbocharger
sump return line to verify oil being pumped through upon engine startup.  
with the amount of oil I have dripping out of the air filter I know there
is plenty of  oil there.

  Has any one experienced any gotcha's upon initial startup, are there any other
things to watch for.  I haven't made the checklist yet but will be looking for
proper response from all sensors.  Tach verification, fuel flow sensors etc.
Have a mercury manometer that I used to set up my old BMW.  That machine ran
very differently between the balanced and  slightly balanced conditions.  So
that will probably be the  first thing accomplished after floes, temperatures,
and pressures are verified.  Both the top and  bottom cowlings will be off.
Automatic operation of the  Airmaster prop will be verified.  The TCU 100 % was
set over a year ago using a laptop, are there any other concerns to be aware
of in this respect? Two gallons of  high test will be put in the tank,  All
fuel lines and pumps etc have been checked long ago as the tank was filled and
the system was pressurized for an extended time with the pumps, and  then 
I do have a concern that there  is  some old gas
    in the float bowls.  If the  engine doesn't start right off or runs roughly
then they will come off.  There is a distinct "old fuel" aroma  when the nose
is put in the  fuel filler port.  Will have halon fire extinguisher available,
has anyone out there experienced any fires?

  Input appreciated,

  Steve Hagar
  Mesa AZ

  "There's a slight nip in the air, the temperature got below 95 when riding the
motorcycle to work yesterday afternoon!"

  Steve Hagar

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