---From memory I used a bolt and slid some rubber hose onto it to soften the
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8005
New Zealand.
Ph +64 3 3515166
Mobile 021 0640221
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Iddon" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Softening the blow
> Having just replaced the pins in my tailplane torque tube, and not
> wishing to repeat the process in a hurry, I am looking for a way to
> cushion the bump stops for the mass balance weight to soften the 'clonk'
> as it hits them and, hopefully, reduce the wear on the new pins. I seem
> to recall that someone has replaced the broom handle section with
> something softer but can't remember what.
> Can someone refresh my memory?
> Richard Iddon G-RIXS