From: "Paul McAllister" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Angle of Attack
Hi all,
After flying my mono wheel for 340 hours with various C of G's and weights
I an
still surprised at how differently the aircraft behaves on landing.
I find that the amount of power needed in the flair can be from very
little to
quite a lot if I want to bring it over the numbers at 55 knots with not
too much
sink, and although I am getting good at judging the various situations,
I still get it wrong and I am rewarded with a bounce on landing.
I was wondering if anyone on the forum has an AoA fitted to their Europa,
and are
they finding the lift reserve a good indicator to help get that "perfect
on every touch down ? If anyone has some experience I would be interested
hearing from them.
Paul - N378PJ
I have no experience with the Europa but have some with Aoa. In my case it
made no difference at all to the quality of my landings in the vertical
sense :-(.
Where it really helped though was to give the confidence to fly at lower
speeds near the ground. You will find that with a lighter airplane your
approach speed will be lower, giving you a consistent margin above the
stall which will I hope mean that the airplane will behave more
consistently from the flare to touchdown. Your touch down point will be
more predictable, and if you touchdown with little or no lift reserve you
reduce the chances of bouncing. That was my experience flying an old
Fokker, and I hope it will apply to my Europa.
Paul Atkinson