> I must admit to be disappointed in finding the Europa isn't a very
glider, I was hoping with its sleek lines it would be. I guess that was
be expected with a high wing loading.
Good-day Paul,
I suspect the glide angle is affected more by your propeller than the
wing loading. High performance sailplanes carry heaps of water ballast
for the very purpose of increasing wing loading. The increased wing
loading improves the gliding speed whilst not adversely affecting glide
angle. IOW, can glide faster at the same glide angle. Makes an
incredible difference in performance but in keeping with the principle
of 'no such thing as a free lunch', climb rates are reduced but overall
cross country speeds are higher.
Have you tried stopping the engine completely to see how much the glide
angle is improved ? Yes I'm serious. I think you will find it quite a
bit better even unfeathered.
Best regards