Have a word with Think Automotive 0208 568 1172. They do a couple of
inline oil stats for the race/rally car market. I seem to remember they
start at about 15 quid. They cannot fail such that the oil is cut off,
it might not be cooled but it will flow. I was thinking of moving my
oil cooler and installing one of these last year, but the hasle of
dealling with the PFA put me off.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard
Subject: Europa-List: Oil cooler thermostat
> Ivor
> Nobody I know of has done an oil thermostat for the
> Europa XS. I think the logic for this is that with the
> close coupling of the oil rad behind the water rad it
> is not needed on an XS. The man to ask is Nigel Beale
> of Skydrive.
> Skydrive have a water thermostat design which Nigel
> Beale has used on his own aircraft. I believe another
> copy may also be flying. I have a picture of the parts
> which I will send direct to you.
> When I discussed this with him at FFF Nigel has not had
> time to finalise it as a mod. If the demand is there I believe he
> will and I have offered to do the documentation to get it through as a
> Standard Mod.
> Ian Rickard #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
As I said in an earlier post there are oil thermostats available from
Franz in Germany and from Lockwood in the US ($60 !)
Neither approved by the PFA !
Although two thermostats would increase the connectors and pipes it
would be the best solution as the air could be all channelled through
the radiators and the thermostats would control the oil and water
temperatures to a sensible figure (82 - 90 C) at all times. Warm-up
would be improved.
I am debating with myself about which thermostat I would
want if only one was available ..... If the water
thermostat increased the water capacity I would probably
go for that ... But on the other hand as there is plenty
of oil capaciy which slows down warm-up, and oil
thermostat would also be very useful. Hmmmmm ! Then, the
range of acceptable oil temperatures is much wider than
the water temperature range ... So veering towards a water thermostat !
But I can't see a UK available product being sold for 35
(=$60) !
Ian, would you send me those pictures of the water
thermostat please ? TIA
Nigel told me about an aircraft that he has sold which had
an oil thermostat on it. But he hasn't replied (yet) after
I asked him for the registration, or the current owner's
name, or the PFA mod number under which it was done.