I contacted the PFA magazine (Brian Hope) and Graham Newby directly to express
my opionion in the matter - please see the responses below - as I said in
postings, action will only come from a collective action, preferably via the
Europa club. Please not the bit from Brian Hope where he says he is willing
to publish an official response from the Europa Club to Keiths letter
Whilst I appreciate and sympathise with your feelings may I make a couple of
1) When this issue was last discussed I agreed that I would raise it at both EC
level and with the Europa Club. This I did and both agreed that we should carry
on using Keiths photos where needed in the interests of producing the magazine.
See the Europa Flyer June 2005.
2) Peter Kember, the Europa Club President, suggested to Keith that he write the
letter in PF and set up the trust. Since the rally Peter and Keith have been
passing drafts backwards and forwards and Peter agreed the final wording as
To say that Brian has overstepped his remit therefore is, in my view, unfair.
Please do ring me here at Turweston if you would like to discuss the matter
Best regards
Hello Peter, this debate has been batted around on at least two previous
The last such occasion was when the Executive Committee agreed, I'm pretty
sure unanimously, that KW could continue providing his services to Popular
That decision was relayed to senior members of the Europa Club, who accepted
it, and it was reported in the Europa Club magazine.
I see no reason to go over that ground again.
as far as the Trust Fund is concerned, Peter Kember has been in discussion with
KW about it since the PFA Rally and was fully aware, and approving of the
of the letter.
I am quite prepared to publish an official Europa Club response to the letter
and its proposals (provided it does not open the PFA to any form of legal
but I see no benefit to opening up the argument on the
rights and wrongs of KW's involvement with Popular Flying.
Regards, Brian Hope.
> From: Graham Singleton <graham@gflight.f9.co.uk>
> Date: 2005/10/26 Wed AM 10:07:44 BST
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: without prejudice
> Carl Pattinson wrote:
> When a company gets into financial trouble there is a fine dividing line
> between going on when the company is losing money and pulling the plug
> before it is too late. The demise of the Rover group is a prime example. If
> managers/ directors pulled the plug at the first sign of financial
> difficulty there wouldnt be many companies left in business.
> Carl
> Keith was told by his own financial director, in writing, that they were
> trading illegally 18 months before the final crinch. She then resigned
> from the company.
> A year after this KW telephoned Niels Koch in Denmark to send the money
> for kit number 1002, it was ready for despatch, it was never sent and
> indeed could not have been, most suppliers had refused to continue until
> they were paid, Slingsby among them. Keith knew this. He continued to
> defraud customers for another 6 months.
> The administrators were equally dishonest imho. Customers' cheques were
> cashed AFTER the winding up in the full knowledge that nothing would be
> supplied. It might well be legal but it certainly isn't just or honest.
> They were very quick to destroy all evidence of fraud apparently on the
> grounds that no one was going to pay them to investigate.
> Yet another example of the imorality of the English legal system.
> Graham
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