I've already written to Brian and had a response which I posted yesterday -
summarised it was 'We've been through this several times - sorry people lost
money but Keiths a good bloke and wer're going to carry on using his pictures'
I'd suggest that maybe posting letters to a singe E-mail address and then
them on bulk to Graham Newby and Brian Hope is the best way forward - that
way, we would know how many had been sent so there would be no way that Graham
Newby could use the same arguement as he did last time that they had only
had complaints from 2 or 3 people when we all know that quite a large number of
people had written to him. Is this something that the Europa club could
If not, I'm happy to set up a Hotmail address we could use.
Re the trust fund (Trust / Keith Wilson - very funny!) - at say 5% interest, the
amount he would have to put in there to generate any serious money would be
astronomic - 1/2 a million would still only give 25k a year - if taking pictures
pays that well, I'm off to Dixons!
> From: "paul atkinson" <paul@theatkinsons.demon.co.uk>
> Date: 2005/10/27 Thu AM 08:30:40 BST
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: without predudice
> As Brain Hope has used the Magazine to express his opinions, then he
> should be prepared to print any other views in the letters column to
> provide some balance.
> Why doesn't anyone with an opinion (including non members of the PFA
> )write to Popular Flying expressing their views about KW and the PFA's
> actions, and see how many get printed. Non members letters probably won't
> be printed but it might prove to Brian that we are not a "small number of
> dissenters". If he was made aware of the what has been written on this
> list about KW and his antics then he just might have to eat his words.
> He can be contacted at: The Editor, Popular Flying Magazine, 60
> Queensborough Rd, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BZ, email: magazine@pfanet.co.uk
> Does anyone have the wherewithall to copy the letter and Brian's comment
> to the Photoshare archive for the benefit of those who have not been able
> to read it?
> Regards
> Paul Atkinson
> <europa-list-digest@matronics.com> wrote:
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
> > [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of
> > peter.rees05@ntlworld.com
> > Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: (Without Prejudice)
> > I was pretty disgusted with the bit that Brian Hope had written on the
> > end of KWs atricle that went on about what a decent bloke KW was and how
> > he was honest and reliable! I think that Brian has oversteped the lines
> > of his remit by writing that and should print some articles by the poor
> > unfortunates that parted with their hard earned and got nothing.
> > We need to establish a way of making collective representation to the
> > PFA and Brian Hope (without anoying everyone else outside the UK who are
> > not in the PFA) - Any suggestions?
> >
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