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Re: Europa-List: cold toes in G-ROOV

Subject: Re: Europa-List: cold toes in G-ROOV
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:30:02
 11/11/2005 12:30:06 PM,
        Serialize complete at 11/11/2005 12:30:06 PM


I've copied a friend's set up, which works well on his 914 mono.
Brings air in from outside with SCAT tubing, over a "cuff" on the muffler, 
with inlet and outlet, to warm the air up, then to an airbox ( from 
aircraft spruce catalogue) and dumps the warm air through the top of the 
firewall moulding, down on to the pilots feet, or out of the vents on the 
top of the cowling, depending whether the airbox flap is up or down.
Easier to do on a 912S installation as I was able to use the inlet duct on 
the right lower side of the bottom fairing, on a 914
would have to add an inlet duct.

My problem now is I may end up using this hot air for carb heat, unless I 
can get an approval on my Skydrive system.

Dave  C-FBZI.  3 months in a hangar waiting for an initial C of A

kevin siggery <>
Sent by:
11/11/2005 11:59 AM
Please respond to europa-list

        Subject:        Europa-List: cold toes in G-ROOV

anyone any idea about the process involved in fitting a cockpit heater?

( G-ROOV is a turbo Rotax 914)

does this mod affect performance (added weight being a given)



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