Salut Michel
Il s'agit tout simplement d'appliquer des solutions tres connues dans le monde
du vol voile. Tu peux voir ca sur les planeurs plastiques modernes.
On pose un scotch cot charniere et un joint a levre de l'autre cot pour empecher
une circulation parasite entre l'intrados en pression et l'extra dos en
Cette circulation est generatrice de traine.On peut appliquer ca au aileron
au tab et la derive.
Par contre le faire sur les volets me semble etre une mauvaise ide, car cela
supprimerait l'effet de soufflage du a la fente des volets de l'europa . Ce
ameliore beaucoup l'efficacit des volets.
En ce qui me concerne je vole depuis le debut avec un scotch cot charniere.
Ne me demande pas combien de Kt ca m'a rapport!
Vole bien
Michel Auvray <> a crit :
Hello John;
I am inerested by your information concerning laminar flow.
What is your idea to reduce drag?
Michel Auvray builder 145, 270 hours fly with my Europa (monowheel)
======= le 29/11/2005, 09:38:52 vous criviez: =======
>In a message dated 11/29/2005 2:58:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>> So get rid of much of that drag; it need be only relative to
>> a big, even faired bump on the fuselage bottom, and stowed
>> outriggers but in a place where some wing lift suffers.
>> Like laminar flow wheel pants, if one has a way to trust the
>> fairing mfr's sales literature. With laminer flow, fairing
>> drag goes down something like 60%.
>> I've seen a dozen or so flying Europas now and I've been very surprised that
>> no one I've seen is installing flap gap seals and positive seals on the
>> ailerons, rudder and trim tabs. Stopping the pressure equalization between
>> the
>> upper and lower surfaces of the wings and stab, plus the left and right side
>> the rudder has been shown to significantly improve sailplane performance.
>> It's puzzling to me that more Europaphiles aren't using these techniques.
>> On another note, my Sensenich hollow carbon prop arrived yesterday. All I
>> can say is "WOW". The quality is excellent! I'll let everybody know what it
>> weighs shortly.
>> Regards,
>> John Lawton
>> Dunlap, TN
>> A-245 (Installing the prop today....)
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Michel Auvray
Tlchargez le ici !