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RE: Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted
From: R.C.Harrison <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 11:09:55

Hi! Jac
I have a noise statement but for the MT  Propeller on my Jabiru Power
Plant. Obviously it would not be of any use to you in Holland......BUT
interestingly during our trip round the Baltic in the Summer we returned
through Munster Osnabrook and we underwent an Airside Paperwork
All was well except the "Inspector" as a parting shot said I should get
the MT Propeller Document converted to a British one since to apply it
to a British Registration A/C was not suitable for purpose. Being
diligent, on return I contacted the CAA at Gatwick and explained my
demise having spent a considerable sum of time and fuel going to
Straubing (Bavaria) to submit to the extremely professional test by MT
Propellers would they give me a conversion document? Reply.........
"Since the noise certificate is not a UK requirement on the Permit to
Fly Light Aircraft they were unable to offer any help and even if I
submitted to the expense of another noise test in the UK there is still
not a document in existence to apply to this class of aircraft".   MY
reply was probably unprintable and akin to my recently saying "the
French Authorities should take their heads from up their anus!" 
At present the German Authorities have accepted my Noise Certificate to
reduce the landing charges and to date the Dutch haven't levied any
increase! So it would seem there is a gaping hole in communication
between the UK CAA and Germany and you seem trapped with a similar hole
between your Dutch Authority and the rest of Europe perhaps?
Me'thinks it's about time these people started "earning their corn" and
became more positive to the confounded problems they generate by
producing pure bullshit and paperwork.
In the meantime Jac I believe the Europa Club have a document which
"with tongue in cheek" just may help you but technically such a
certificate should only apply to the one aircraft which has been tested.
I have copied Dave Bossomworth in on this message and perhaps he will
assist in seeing that the responsible person will contact you?
Regards and Happy Christmas. (BTW whilst you are waiting for the
paperwork you could get on making that chutney!)
Bob Harrison G-PTAG  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jac van
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sven den Boer" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Noise Statement wanted

> <>
> All,
> Dutch CAA/FAA is requesting an official noise statement for my
> Noise Statement from Europa club is not recognized and the penalty is
> NL,
> same landing charges as a Piper 28.(!@#%$!*)
> 2 possibilities to counter this:
> A: Get a noise measuremnt by an approved organisation/company
> B: Get a copy of an official Noise Statement from one of the EASA/JAR
> countries or the US/Canada.
> It needs to be a stament from a similar type of aircraft, in this
> Europa XS
> Rotax 912S engine
> Warpdrive prop
> Who can help me out?
> Mail or fax your noisestatement, eternal greatfullnes will be your
> Best Regards,
> Sven den Boer
> fax: 084-7377223

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