Forward of a current discussion on uk.rec.aviation.soaring
Regarding the emergence of possible planning problems at Kemble.
Seems the nimby's are getting noticed by the council planners and local
What is the effect on the several Europa owners & Gloster strut members whom
reside there? Is there a defence being mounted and how can I support this?
Paul Sweeting
-----Original Message-----
From: Glider Pilot Network []
Subject: [u.r.a.s] Re: Kemble
Newsgroup: uk.rec.aviation.soaring
Subject: Re: Kemble
Date/Time: 20:58 08 December 2005
Reading the local newspapers what has happened is that
they have upset the locals over noise as it is probably
far noisier now than when the MOD were in residence,
especially in the later years of their tenure.
This has resulted in the 'previous use' that was used
to continue flying ops after the MOD left to be questioned
on the basis that the site was a maintenance and repair
facility rather than a general flying and training
one. Now, how you repair aircraft without flying them
I don't know so this should provide an amount of local
fun in the newspapers.
At 16:01 08 December 2005, Robert John wrote:
>At 15:19 08 December 2005, Bernard Smyth wrote:
>>Kemble airfield operators have been told they need
>>to apply for planning
>>permission to keep the place going. Locals have been
>>moaning! It's only
>>been an airfield for 70 years. Although it's not a
>>gliding site, it makes you
>>wonder if this retrospective heavyhandidness could
>>affect gliding clubs.
>Bureaucratic nonsense!
>They only need apply for an existing use certificate
>if someone complains that they are in contravention
>of the legal planning use and the local authority can't
>refuse or limit them (due to the time the use has existed)
>so it's just a waste of everybody's time.
>70 years even predates the Town & Country Planning
>Act 1947 which brought in the concept of the planning
>Robert John
>Duo Sierra-India