Good plan, but why not do it during a ground run-up?
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Seaver (terrys)" <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: fuel sender location
> <>
> Hi,
> We try to regularly switch to the reserve side for several minutes in
> order to verify that the reserve still 'works'. We do this of course at
> altitude in a safe part of the flight, in case the reserve IS plugged up
> and we need to switch back immediately. I strongly recommend this
> practice regardless of which side is thought more likely to get
> contaminated, remembering, of course, to switch back to the main side
> before the fuel level reaches the 'hump'.
> Regards,
> Terry Seaver
> A135 / N135TD
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> R.C.Harrison
> To:
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: fuel sender location
> --> <>
> Hi! Simon and (Glen "needs a heads up")
> I have to say that your message below is "right on the money". You "took
> the words out of my mouth!"
> The unfortunate fact though is that since the reserve is the filler
> side and also is therefore guaranteed to be filled every fill up so the
> remainder of the fuel entered will spill over the saddle into the main
> side always ensuring the reserve to have been topped up, it is also the
> most likely side to have the most crap contamination being put in and if
> the reserve side filters become overwhelmed they won't any longer be a
> reserve!
> If it were possible to ensure that the port side was automatically
> filled every fill up and the bulk filling be put into the starboard side
> then it would be most likely that the Starboard side would contain the
> crap and the port side would be the most sure source as a reserve.
> Regards and Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all.
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa MKI/Jabiru 3300
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Simon Smith
> To:
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: fuel sender location
> Unless I have misunderstood, your setup is not standard.
> According to the manual, the Starboard (filler) side is the reserve and
> the port is the main. The return from the engine should go to the
> reserve side to ensure that the reserve is always full.
> If your return is to the starboard side and you use all your fuel from
> the starboard side there is no guarantee that there will be fuel in the
> port side depending on turbulence etc
> Regards
> Simon