Don't know how much bandwidth you'll generate, but I have the same
switch in N55XS and it's wired direct to the battery and other and other
busses. Never a hint at a problem. Use it with confidence...
Jeff - N55XS
117 hours
Richard Holder wrote:
> Hi Team - a question for you to ponder
> As a part of my plan to redo my panel I have
> bought a "Cessna Split Master switch" red, as per Cessnas
> and Pipers.
> I was wondering whether anyone who has used one has any
> commments about their reliability, and whether or not
> relays were used.
> I say that because in the Cessna application the battery
> side operates a relay (< 1 amp) and the alt side switches
> the field windings of the alternator (max 2 - 3 amps)
> If this switch is used on the Europa (Rotax) to switch the
> full flowing current (max 19 amps for the alt and maybe as
> much as 25 for the battery) but is only designed for 2 or
> 3 it is likely to fail. Unless of course it is
> over-engineered !
> I have seen this switch in some Europas but I have no idea
> whether they use relays. (To be honest I am not sure that
> the alt side can be relayed anyway).
> All your thoughts would be much appreciated. My existing
> battery and alt switches are two pole toggle switches,
> with a 15 amp capacity on each pole, wired in parallel.
> Hope this generates some bandwidth !
> Richard