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Re: Europa-List: Bob Borger especially

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Bob Borger especially
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 16:08:08

Bob, Richard, Jos et al,
            Thanks for the quick reply (I finally got up for lunch).
            I Googled the loctite outfit and stumbled on Loctite 243 data 
sheet about the same time I fell upon a bottle of the same in my kit of 
bits. the page you may want to peruse (Jos) is:

            It especially advertises its resistance to brake fluid, so am 
daubing onto the ell threads and praying slightly. I'l give it a couple of 
days to find itself, but believe in time it will prove worthy.

            I appreciate the value of this list and the friends it coughs 
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, etc.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Borger" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Bob Borger especially

| Ferg,
| WRT -
| "MINE tightens the ell into the cylinder body exactly 180 degrees out
| of whack. Can I gronch the little B******r around to the forward
| position thus risking a snapped ell ( and the nearest next one in
| UK)? ....or can I fashion a washer from the extra nut which came with
| the ell so as to unscrew 180 degres and tighten up the nut? basically
| how did you (or any other reader!) tighten up the brakeline ell so
| that it points forward to accept the brakeline?"
| My sympathies on the removal of the safety wire and brake caliper
| assembly.  I fear that I shall have to do the same to remove the
| wheel so I can get in and talcum powder the inner tube before I pump
| it up to full pressure.
| I just returned from examining the brake assembly on N914XL.  I was
| pondering exactly how I was able to get the "L" pointed in the right
| direction.  Unfortunately, I have slept several times since then and
| don't have a specific recollection.
| Since I believe we are working with NPT type threads (these are
| tapered pipe threads), I don't think that you can back them out and
| apply a washer to get it into position.  I see two choices:  1. Apply
| a wrench to get the needed 180 degrees and hope it doesn't snap off
| at 175 degrees (perhaps some teflon pipe thread sealant might help
| here), or, 2. Back it out, apply a turn or two of teflon tape to the
| threads of the "L" and see if that will allow you to come up tighter
| sooner, perhaps close to the needed position.
| If I am incorrect about the threads and they are not NPT, then a
| washer 1/2 the thickness of the thread pitch might get you what you
| want.  But, I really don't see a shoulder on the threads for that
| washer to come up against.  More reason to think these may be NPT
| threads.
| In any case, I am open to other builders suggestions on this point.
| Good building and great flying,
| Bob Borger
| Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
| (85%) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module installed, pitch
| system in, landing gear frame in, rudder system in with Singleton
| Mod, outrigger mod in, Fuselage Top on, lift/drag/flap pins in, wing
| incidence set, tie bar in, flap drive in, Mod 70 done, baggage bay
| in. Completing the firewall-aft fuel system and fitting the
| instrument panel.  Working in - 24 Instrument Panel, 25 Electrical,
| 28 Flaps, 29 Main Gear, 30 Fuel System, 32 Tail, 34 Door Latches & 35
| Doors, 37 Finishing.  Airmaster arrived 29 Sep 05.  Seat arrived from
| Oregon Aero.  Preparing ROTAX 914 for installation.
| 3705 Lynchburg Dr.
| Corinth, TX  76208
| Home:  940-497-2123
| Cel:  817-992-1117

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