"experiencing great difficulties in getting it started on these cold days"
As mentioned make sure throttle is closed complete.
Chances are "Carb Snot" is culprit.
Search Archives for "Carb Snot":
True choke is not a traditional choke, but an enriching circuit. When
float bowl is removed on my BMW R-100GS that uses type 64 carbs, the jet
in the bowl would get clogged, sometimes other places in body. On the bike
anyway, I can get lazy. Just run it till it will not start in cold, and
take off elbow between 1 carb and airbox and hand choke it to get running
in a pinch. It will start on 1 cylinder (it is a 2 cyl bike) and in not
too long other side fires. Then when get home just do a carb maintain.
If a 914 best to have bottom ring gaskets on hand and on all have new
float bowl gaskets on hand.
I will grin tonight thinking of you hand choking behind a big fan in the
cold ;-)
Go over your carbs, get schamatic and chase circuit. Since your carbs will
be off, make sure you incorporate the latest greatest pseudo AD (fo UL) on
the type 64 float pivot mod:
http://www.rotax-owner.com/sdocs.htm search under service bulletins for
your motor
This is for the old sty;e pivot that can flake off plating and do no good.
Ron Parigoris