> Is there anything to apply for? I'm sure I'll get shot
> down in flames but the way that I (and my inspector)
> read the PFA document on the use of 'Approved for all
> types' (TL3.07) document, the PFA don't need to be
> involved (though you need to record it in your permit
> next permit application)
> You just complete the PFA form SF9 from their website,
> fit the carb heat kit, get your inspector to sign the
> form and 'retain the completed form with the aircraft
> documentation' (as it says on the form). And note the
> fitting in the engine log book.
> I included the fitting of the Mod in my very recent
> permit application together with a copy of the SF9 -
> permit was back within about 3 days.
Ian was trying to get the mod "upgraded" from "approved
for all types" to "a standard mod". Both allow the SF9
route as you describe, but the "approved for all types"
were authorised earlier so the documentation is not
necessarily so good.
So the only difference would be that the documentation
would be "better" :-)
Ps I cringed when I addressed the pressing on of the carb
heater (100 each) onto a carb (400 each ?) that I
chickened out and sent the whole lot back to SkyDrive to
do. The best 20 insurance premium I have ever paid ! So
much easier to do when you have done 100 previously - you
know how mcuh to file off and how hard you can squeeze (or
hit with a hammer !)