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RE: Europa-List: After the Non-denominational Winter Holiday (aka Christ

Subject: RE: Europa-List: After the Non-denominational Winter Holiday (aka Christmas
From: R.C.Harrison <>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 19:27:50

Hi! Mike.
If the Swiss Rally is the same weekend as the PFA I'm pleased it's a
case of "no contest," it will be Switzerland for me but what's that to
do with Barkaby and the Swedish event?

I still have to tick Hungary and Romania off my list, now if those would
fit into the week between Barkaby and the Danish Stauning ......but I
also have relatives in Gualivare now (North Sweden)and an invite to a
new mid Summer Finish camp fire event( with BBQ Reindeer)...... That
still leaves the Swiss trip which would be probably better combined with
the Hungary and Romania visit except I will have to coincide a visit to
Straubing for a quick MT Propeller overhaul and the beer festival! 

What say you P2 Ivor? Or will G-IVOR be up and running by then?

It really is so difficult to decide on these matters !

And Best wishes to all over the festive season.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa MKI/Jabiru 3300

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike Parkin
Subject: Europa-List: After the Non-denominational Winter Holiday (aka
Christmas )


Mainly for European Europa types - but open to all our brethren across
the pond - if you can make it.

Now that the PFA in it's infinite wisdom, and lack of consideration for
anyone else, have chosen to hold the 2006 Flying For Fun on the same
weekend as the traditional Swiss Fly-in.  Howsabout a major Europa push
to Barkaby instead???



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