I took the following data about a year ago. It isn't an exact experiment
because I didn't hold a constant altitude. The OAT varied from 30 degrees
to 19 degrees.
All the data was captured from my EIS over a one hour flight, the numbers
below are averages of samples, of around 3 or 4 minutes long. I have no
data for 32,33 and 39"
Since then I have adjusted the needles in the carburetor to be leaner, and
the engine is a loosened up a lot. One of these days I'll do another sample
and maybe do it for constant sets of altitude.
If you would like a copy of my EIS data dump let me know and I will send it
to you directly.
For take off
34" @ 5500 = 8.01 US Gal / hr
Various cruise settings at 5000 rpm.
22 2.05
23 2.78
24 2.86
25 3.25
26 4.05
27 4.4
28 5.5
29 5.5 *Small sample size
30 6.2
31 6.55