In a message dated 03/01/2006 01:55:17 GMT Standard Time, writes:
PPS I think we just uncovered something that I've noticed is one of the few
significant difference in attitudes between the US and the UK: in the US few
seriously trust their government; in the UK few seriously distrust theirs. I
believe that difference is due to our respective national histories, and
that both positions are perfectly understandable in that context.
Speak for,yourself Jeremy. I think we have the most dishonest. self seeking
and blatantly corrupt government ever in the last couple of centuries. Only
look at the way in which everyone is subject to pension restrictions -except
for the M.P.s and their lackies. The Blair thing is advancing his own career
in expectation of a senior and very highly paid position within the EU when
he is kicked out of his job here, at the expense of every taxpayer in U.K. by
forfeiting Billions of our money in his own search for power and influence.
I include ALL politicians in my general observations. Sorry about the blast
- this is not the forum for that sort of thing but the last bit of
correspondence(starting with the Galileo thing), has encouraged a few words on
lines. Perhaps the Europa Club members (as with other aviation clubs to
which I belong) could act in unison in opposing any measure which restricts
further our freedom of the skies.