From: "R\351mi Guerner" <ai...
My own experience is just the opposite. I flew my previous aircraft (a certified
ROBIN with a O-360 Lycoming running exclusively on AVGAS) for 10 years and 800
hours, without having ever found anything in the gascolator screen. Since I
fly the Europa, mainly on MOGAS, I keep finding some dirt, most of it stays in
the filtering funnel, some find its way to the tank. So, better be careful and
have a good filter/gascolator.
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL, S/N395, XS monowheel, 288 hours on a 914 + 89 hours since fitted with
the 912S.
I disagree that Mogas is not a clean fuel. The only place you will get dirty
fuel over in the USA would be at the airport as auto fuel retailers have a
cleaner product as they are held to a higer standard than the FBO retailer and
after checking your filters after using 100LL you would agree.