Don't make the floating lids from polystyrene foam (eg blue foam), because
it will dissolve!
Duncan McF
----- Original Message -----
From: "Flying Farmer" <>
Subject: Europa-List: RE: Ampreg 20
> <>
> Jeremy, Jeff, Ivor,
> Thank you for your advice on the Ampreg 20 Hardener, I did ring Martin
> Armstrong and he had all the answers I needed in the dis-coloring of the
> hardener. It was really bad oxidization which had been caused from some
> old hardener left in the valve of the resin pump, The solution was to wash
> out with soapy water, then to allow to air dry, then to flush out with new
> resin and hardener.
> Martin also advised in making a floating lid to reduce the surface area in
> contact with the atmosphere, also suggested by Ivor (Thanks)
> Thanks All,
> Richard Wheelwright.
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