In the photo gallery Jos Wrote:
"First filling. Some advice: First sand the gloss off. Then apply epoxy as thin
as possible. Then mix resin in a small bucket. We used 400 gram batches at a
time. Add 3 handfulls of expancel. Mix, first with a solid stick, then use your
hands and hit it until it is a nice thick dough. Apply thick enough to cover
the highest tops, and as evenly as possible. If it shines it was too wet. If
it comes up after the knife, it may be to dry. Too wet makes it hard to sand and
it is heavy on the plane."
This paragraph made my life very easy, and I had a great laugh. I don't know
it was, the temp, humidity, I don't know. But when I put my hands in the bucket
the mix just stuck, fronts, backs, I think it tried to run up my arms.
I couldn't get or touch anything, I had to get new gloves just to clean off the
old ones.
Then I pictured Jos chucking to himself "I wonder if anyone is really going to
stick his hands in this stuff."
Other than a good laugh this procedure worked perfectly.
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