I have fitted and test flown my oil thermostat. I fear
that it is faulty.
I was expecting that the oil temperature would go quickly
up to 80 or so and stay there whatever I did, unless I
went to a really hot place when the temp would go up.
I spoke to Steve Slade who currently owns G-MIKI the
microlight that Nigel Beale put the original thermostat
on, and on which the mod 10179 is based. He confirmed that
his plane temp goes to 80 and stays there. he also said
that the original purpose of the mod was to get the oil
warming up quicker.
My oil did not warm up quicker. On take-off the
temperature rose to 95 on a very cold day (3 degrees),
then it dropped to 60 in the cruise. 60 is where it used
to cruise on cold days without the thermostat and with
almost all the radiator blanked off.
My feeling is that the waxstat in the thermostat is
opening too early and is not opening enough so that some
oil bypasses the cooler even at over 90.
Anyone got any suggestions ? I am contemplating ripping
the whole thing off and getting another one.
I relate the sad tale now in case anyone else has bought
the device and hasn't fitted it yet. The waxstat needs
checking (dump in a saucepan of water, heat slowly and I
believe it should start to expand at around 75 degrees and
be fully extended (12 mm ?) by 85).
If anyone has fitted one I would appreciate feed-back as
to whether their oil temp goes quickly up to 80 and stays
there !
G-OWWW High Cross