Salut Remi
S'agit il de battements generants des vibrations importantes empechant le
JP Neel F-PSLH 650h
Rmi Guerner <> a crit :
In spite of having the heavy duty starter, a 6 months old 28 Amp-hour battery,
an ignition switch wired so that only one channel is energized during starting,
pulling the choke only after a few prop turns, I experienced the infamous kick
back again last week, during a few degrees above freezing cold start.
To help solving this problem, I am thinking at replacing the low cost battery by
a high performance one such as the Odyssey or Genesis. Any suggestion on where
to find this sort of batteries in Europe ?
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL, XS S/N395 monowheel, 288 hours on a 914 + 91 hours since fitted with the
912S. Airmaster prop ordered