Many apologies to all for my part in overloading your systems with multiple
repeats of the same message at the W/E. I thought some of you might like to
know how it happened:
I had penned a message on voltage regulators directly to the guy
with the problem in New Zealand. As an afterthought I decided it might be of
some interest to the net and copied the message to the europa net. The
recipient was probably running a Microsoft Small Business software (although
this is yet to be confirmed) and these have the built in property of sending
on (another) copy of the message to anyone mentioned in the 'copy' box. This
of course sent it to the net and back to him and the process repeated
itself - a sort of email flutter!
My own system has been checked and found clean. It would not of
course have caused a problem had I not sent a message copied ,inter alia, to
the same recipient. Should any of you use the Microsoft Small Business
Solutions software, my computer expert tells me that Microsoft have a patch
available to stop this flutter phenomenon.
Regards, David Joyce